Monday, January 19, 2009

Harold Faltermeyer to Howie Day

There is definitely an "H" shortage on my ipod, at least based on the itunes default alphabetizing.

Harold Faltermeyer: Beverly Hills Cop, Fletch, Top Gun... this guy pretty much dominates the synthesizer world. He's still active and maintains his own website, which is worth scoping for laughs:

Hello Dave: I like these guys a great deal even with their countrified influences.

Herman Dune: At my buddy's bachelor party, I was introduced to this band. They're great. I listened to them heavily during the summer that I studied for the Bar Exam. I passed the Bar, so I can safely recommend studying to these cats.

The Hives

The Hold Steady: These guys have been getting a lot of burn in the press so I picked up their first album. Generally, I prefer starting with a band's first album so you can experience the growth and transformation. In this case, I hope there was significant growth and transformation.

Hot Boys: More dorm parties.

House of Pain: When they first came on, I was a bit bummed because I quickly realized that I had put the entire album on the pod and I really wasn't in the mood for cooking to them. Yet, I persevered and ended up jumping all over my kitchen. The food was good too.

Howie Day: It seems to me that there is no short supply of artists fitting this general description and each of those artists has an incredibly devout following of girls aged 17-30. Although I fall into the proper age range, my gender is off... maybe that's why I am just medium about it all.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Nice... but I think 30's a bit old for Howie. He seems more like music for lovestruck undergrads - or at the most, immediately post-collegiate. At least, that's when I liked him. :)